A 14 Day healing journey for the woman who wants to heal with the power of whole foods.

Have you felt fatigued lately?  More than usual?

Feeling bloated (you know that uncomfortable feeling in your clothes)?

Had more headaches than you normally have?

Hanging on to some extra pounds that just won’t drop?

Feeling too busy with responsibilities so you just set all the discomfort aside?

Not feeling like yourself?

 Maybe this is for you….

Remember when you would get up in the morning and have a clear head?  You felt focused and alive?  You really feel like your vitality is missing and you just don’t feel like yourself.  You may have even gone to the doctor, but they couldn’t find anything wrong.  You know something is not right, you suspect that life could be better, but you are just pushing through right now.

Have you been there?  You just push past it? 

I get it…..  In fact a couple years ago I felt exactly like that.  Truthfully, I thought I was too busy so I tried to just set all the discomfort aside and moved on with my responsibilities, but that didn’t work either.  So I tried experimenting.  

I tried up leveling my exercise to beat out how I was feeling.  I was on the treadmill (running,  not just walking) for an hour and a half, and then I would do a weight resistance class like boot camp – 3 times a week!  Who has 3 - 4 hours 3 times a week to spend at the gym?  Yeah – me either.  But what was worse?  I was not seeing the results I wanted anyway!  I wasn’t sleeping any better, still waking up and wanting to crawl back into bed.  I didn’t feel sharp and focused.  And on top of that I wasn’t dropping any weight.  I wasn’t even leaning up at all.  I couldn’t possibly work out any harder. 

I decided to take a “drastic” step and look at my food.  I will be completely honest here and say I love food and the thought of going hungry? – well that was just not going to work for me.  Instead of looking at the quantity of the food, I started with the quality of the food.  I went on a 30 day journey of whole foods, organic as much as I could find, and focused on fresh fruits and veggies as well as good quality meat.  I quit working out as hard.  I still went to the gym 3 days a week, but lightened up my workouts.  The results?  I dropped 8 pounds in the month and leaned up around my middle – I felt great.  I’ll tell you a funny story about that – I put on a skirt I had worn before I started the 30 day journey and when I looked down at my waist, I could actually see the floor right through the waist of skirt!  It was pretty crazy, but I have to say I loved it!

Other things?  I slept better, had less foggy brain, and I was in a better mood.  Another result was learning I had a food sensitivity to dairy.   I had no idea all the digestive issues it was causing me.  I thought all the cramping and gas was just me.  I even had an ultrasound to try to figure out some of the digestive issues and the tech said I had a huge gas bubble in my stomach.  Yikes! 

During the 30 days I learned about the amazing power of whole foods.  I learned that self care is more than a once a month massage.  I learned that feeling like crap all the time was not a normal way to live. 

I wanted to share all I had learned during my journey, but I wanted to shorten it up for busy women to be able to try it out and see if it could work for them.  I settled on 14 days – long enough but not too long.

What would it be like if in 14 days you could:

·      Discover your body’s natural healing capabilities with the power of whole food

·      Identify any potential food sensitivities so you can have long lasting results

·      Powerfully reconnect with yourself on an emotional and spiritual level

It is possible and you won’t be hungry.  When you eat good whole food, you can eat and be satisfied.  You won’t have to work out like a crazy woman, and you’ll develop some intuition about what your body and soul needs. 

Would you like to join us?

Our Program will begin on Wednesday, November 4th.  

The 14 days are set up this way – 2 days to plan, shop, and prep, 7 days of eating whole food, and 5 days to reintroduce the foods you eliminated.  YES, you can do this!  

We will have a community within a FaceBook Group so you won’t feel like you’re going through this alone.  There will be 3 FB Live coaching sessions, an eBooklet (complete with recipes), and support from me as well as the FB group.

The investment is $97 for the entire program and as a bonus, you’ll receive one private coaching session with me. 

Register here!!

Want to know if this is right for you?  Schedule a time for us to chat.